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5 Reasons why CRM-Certified kits are ideal for residue testing!

Updated: May 18, 2023

I am a big fan of productivity. There is nothing more rewarding than getting to a laboratory and implementing a new technology that I know will drive results immediately.

One of the most useful technologies in driving productivity I’ve had the pleasure to work with certified reference material (CRM) analysis kits. These kits add an immense amount of value to any laboratory, especially when personnel is limited and time is of the essence.

Here are my 5 reasons why a laboratory should invest in a homogeneous and CRM-certified multicomponent kit when implementing a multiresidue analysis method:

1. Immediately limit the amount of time that a technician spends preparing “working solutions”, and focus on the analysis.

2. Greater safety for operators, in comparison to using single neat standards that come in hazardous solvents (e.g.,dichloromethane).

3. It helps Improve the efficiency of measurements, reduce the frequency of calibrations, and streamlines the validation of the analysis method

4. Can quickly help analysts update chromatography and mass spectrometry parameters to ensure the selectivity and sensitivity of the method are maintained.

5. It’s green! significantly reduces the consumption of solvents and related disposal costs.

Multiresidue testing is not trivial, but if you combine scientific expertise with these types of green and streamlined technologies, a laboratory is deemed to be successful and can only grow to better serve the public and help protect our food chain.

Until the next one,


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