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To Quantitate, or to Quantify: That is THE Question

Chemistry can be often be seen as complicated for a simple reason because we scientists love to make it so, period.

Notably, within my industry, we adore getting entangled using different technologies, methods, etc. to reach the common goal — to obtain a numerical value. This "number" can be so critical that it can create a blockbuster industry product. But it can also create a mess by recalling a product from a store.

  • The proper terminology for this science: Quantitative chemical analysis. (Book I used in College pictured to the right)

  • OGC's simple dumbed down terminology is: We count molecules for a living.

So the question that all the complicated minds ask is: "Quantitate" or "Quantify" those molecules?

Here's my take on the matter:

My multi-lingual brain makes me interpret both words as synonyms with each other but entail different uses. After doing some research on the web and the Oxford English Dictionary, I could narrow the origin of these 2:

"Quantification," the most widely used word: was introduced by logicians in the mid 19th century, adopted by mathematicians, scientists, and writers in a wide range of fields.

So my logic tells me if this was a mathematical issue, wouldn't It more appropriately be used to assign a quantity to. Like for example, I want to determine the number of whey or casein-based proteins in infant formula. Wouldn't that be quantification?

Then, on the other hand…

"Quantitation," more of an evolutionary term: was introduced by statisticians in the late 19th century. This was because it was slightly shorter and avoided confusion with the concept of quantification in logic.

However, quantitation did not become so widely used, except in connection with certain kinds of scientific analysis, particularly in biochemistry and related fields, which in the context of all the examples cited in the complete Oxford English Dictionary. It is perhaps kept current in these fields because of its constant use alongside the related adjective 'quantitative.'

My interpretation: Quantitation was further adapted in my industry to measure the quantity of, especially with high accuracy and including measurement uncertainty. So, in this case, if I wanted to determine the accurate concentration of Vitamin E and Vitamin E Acetate in Vape Oils, which caused a big stir in the US in 2019. Wouldn't that be quantitation?

Well, the jury will be out there to decide. My verdict: both quantification and quantitation are interchangeable. Let's hear from you. What are you thoughts?

A never ending novel!


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